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The People of Ultimate Trading

Business News

The People of Ultimate Trading

Todd Knichel - President
After graduating Rutger's University and leaving Seton Hall Law School in 1989, Todd joined Ultimate Trading and created a new retail division called QuickSilver Jewelry. He developed multiple shopping mall kiosk locations located throughout NY & NJ. Todd simultaneously began to expand and grow UTC's wholesale business through domestic manufacturing. This was also a way for him to gain control of production and quality and ensure that the customer's needs were consistently met.

In 1995 he became an equity partner of UTC. Over the next 15 years he consistently grew UTC's business by expanding into all categories of jewelry and building long standing relationships in the industry. During this period, domestic manufacturing was paired with worldwide importing and fulfillment services. These additions nicely rounded out UTC's capabilities and have kept the company both relevant and competitive in the market place for the past 20+ years.

In 2009, Todd took full ownership of Ultimate Trading Corporation and continues to move the company steadily, stably and successfully into the future.

Stacie Androsky - Account Director
Stacie graduated from the Richard Stockton College of NJ, and is currently an Account Director for Ultimate Trading. She joined Ultimate Trading in 2000, before which she was an assistant retail manager for Hallmark Greeting.

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Ivonne Blancas - Director of Quality Assurance
Her prior occupations including 8 years at United Finding and LDI. Ivonne joined Ultimate Trading in August 1997.

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Raul Blancas - Director of Production & Fulfillment
Prior to joining Ultimate Trading in January 1995, Raul worked for over 7 years with United Finding.

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Susan Miloscia - Director of Customer Service
Susan has been in the jewelry business since 1981. Sue has worked for multiple jewelry companies, including: Dell Enterprise, Tessler & Weiss, Ultimate Jewelry and Alton Setting. Sue has been with Ultimate Trading since 1991 and is now the Director of Customer Service & Private Sales.

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Douglas Roberts - Controller
Douglas holds the position of Controller at Ultimate Trading. He received his bachelor's from the University of Flordia. His previous positions and experience include a position as division manager at Pan American Diamond Corp. for 2 years and an Operations Manager for Faleck and Margolies for another 3 years. Doug joined Ultimate Trading in January 1994.

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Alicia Taggart - Account Director
Alicia received her bachelor's from Lycoming College. She has many years of experience, including: QVC assistant gemstone buyer for 5 years, gemstone buyer at Shop at Home for 2 years, sales and marketing at a high end estate jewelry company, and sales and marketing for celebrity jewelry companies. Alicia is currently an Account Director with Ultimate Trading.

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